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  • Venta a red

    Venta a red en cubierta

    Solar installation for sale to the grid.

    Solar farms can also be mounted on the roofs of industrial buildings. This is the case of IMPALAG, a company dedicated to waterproofing, which has installed a small 100 kW solar farm on the roof of its headquarters in Aldeamayor, Valladolid, for the sale of the generated energy to the grid at a pool price.

    The solar installation for sale to the network is made up of 288 polycrystalline modules of 330 W and two inverters of 50 kW each.

  • Naves Centro Logístico

    Valladolid, España

    Installation of 2,200 kW solar photovoltaic Low Voltage, 7,596 comprised of 280 Wp modules, inverters sixteen 100 kW, three inverters of 80 kW and 60 kW six ​​inverters

  • Nave taller

    (Valladolid, España)

    Installing 40kW solar photovoltaic Low Voltage, consisting of 216 modules of 215 Wp and two inverters of 20 kW

  • Nave industrial

    Aldeamyor, Valladolid

    Photovoltaic solar installation for VENTA A RED with a nominal power of 50 kW, on the roof of an industrial warehouse, in the municipality of Aldeamayor, Valladolid.

    The installation is made up of 162 310 W solar modules and 1 50 kW inverter, mounted on an aluminum structure.

    • Nave construcción

      Tudela, Valladolid, España

      Installing 100 kW solar photovoltaic Low Voltage, composed of 364 modules of 280 Wp and two 50 kW inverters

    • Nave almacén

      (Valladolid, España)

      Installing 180 kW solar photovoltaic Low Voltage, composed of 621 modules of 290 Wp, an inverter of 100 kW and 80 kW inverter

    • Nave agrícola

      Santervas, Valladolid, España

      Installing 20kW solar photovoltaic Low Voltage, consisting of 66 modules of 280 Wp and 20 kW inverter

    • Instalaciones SII

      Valladolid, España

      Installing 40kW solar photovoltaic Low Voltage, consisting of 200 modules of 215 Wp and 40 kW inverter

      • Instalacion solar

        Venta a red

        Start-up of a new 30 kW photovoltaic solar installation for sale to the grid, in the “El Brizo” Industrial Estate, Aldeamayor de San Martin, Valladolid.

        The installation consists of 87 400 W solar modules and 1 50 kW solar inverter on the roof of an industrial warehouse.